What training is needed to become a mechanical engineer: Oisd Standards

The Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD) is an scheme supported past times all crude companies of India, similar IOCL, ONGC, BPCL, HPCL, OIL etc. OISD has basically framed rules as well as guidelines for Safe Distances to survive observed for diverse Facilities inwards an oil installation. All the novel LPG Bottling Plants inwards Republic of Republic of India are designed based on the guidelines of OISD. Further, The LPG Plants tin survive started alone later the Clearance of OISD. OISD has equally good issued guidelines for the security operations of Petrol Stations inwards India. The OISD norms for Petrol stations ensures that the Operator has equal responsibleness inwards the functioning of Petrol Pump. As on appointment the Filling Station possessor has to number the hot piece of work permit for every piece of work equally per OISD 225 regulations. OISD has issued standards related to Petroleum Installation from OISD 105 to OISD 227[1]. Each as well as every oil installation managed past times oil companies of India accept to adhere to the standards. The depots, terminals as well as LPG bottling plants are regularly inspected as well as the recommendations are implemented at the earliest.

OISD has issued roughly 110 Standards relating to installation, commissioning as well as functioning of oil facilities inwards India. Some of the standards are equally given below (Details available on spider web site http://www.oisd.nic.in):
1. OISD-STD-105 Work Permit System
2. OISD-STD-106 Process pattern as well as operating philosophies on pressure level relief as well as disposal system
3. OISD-STD-108 Recommended Practices on Oil Storage as well as Handling
4. OISD-STD-109 Process Design as well as Operating philosophies on blow downwards as well as sewer system
5. OISD-RP-110 Recommended Practices on Static Electricity
6. OISD-STD-111 Process pattern as well as operating philosophies on fired procedure furnace
7. OISD-STD-112 Safe treatment of air hydrocarbon mixtures as well as pyrophoric substances
9. OISD-STD-114 Hazardous Chemicals as well as their Handling
10. OISD-GDN-115 Guidelines for burn downwards fighting equipment /appliances inwards crude industry
11. OISD-STD-116 Fire Protection facilities for Petroleum Refineries as well as Oil/Gas Processing Plants
12. OISD-STD-117 Fire Protection Facilities for Petroleum Depots as well as Terminals
13. OISD-STD-118 Layouts for Oil as well as Gas Installations Rev.I
14. OISD-STD-119 Selection, Operation as well as Maintenance of Pumps
15. OISD-STD-120 Selection, Operation as well as Maintenance of Compressors
16. OISD-STD-121 Inspection of turbines as well as Diesel Engines
17. OISD-STD-122 Selection, Operation as well as Maintenance of Fans, Blowers, Gear Boxes, Agitators & Mixers
18. OISD-RP-123 Selection, Operation as well as Maintenance of Rotary Equipment Components
19. OISD-RP-124 Predictive Maintenance Practices
20. OISD-RP-125 Inspection as well as Maintenance of Mechanical Seals
21. OISD-RP-126 Specific maintenance practices for rotating equipment
22. OISD-STD-127 History recording of rotating equipment (withdrawn)
23. OISD-STD-128 Inspection of unfired pressure level vessels
24. OISD-STD-129 Inspection of storage tanks
25. OISD-STD-130 Inspection of Piping Systems
26. OISD-STD-131 Inspection of Boilers
27. OISD-STD-132 Inspection of pressure level relieving devices
28. OISD-STD-133 Inspection of fired heaters
29. OISD-STD-134 Inspection of oestrus exchangers
30. OISD-STD-135 Inspection of loading as well as unloading hoses for crude products
31. OISD-STD-137 Inspection of electrical equipment
32. OISD-STD-138 Inspection of cross province pipelines – Onshore
33. OISD-STD-139 Inspection of pipelines - Offshore
34. OISD-STD-140 Inspection of jetty pipelines
35. OISD-STD-141 Design as well as Construction requirements for cross province hydrocarbon pipelines
36. OISD-STD-142 Inspection of burn downwards fighting equipment's as well as systems
37. OISD-STD-144 Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Installations
38. OISD-GDN-145 Guidelines on Internal Safety Audits (Procedures as well as Checklist) Rev.I
39. OISD-RP-146 Preservation of ideal electrical equipment
40. OISD-RP-147 Inspection & security practices during electrical installations
41. OISD-RP-148 Inspection & security practices during overhauling electrical equipment
42. OISD-RP-149 Design aspects for security inwards electrical systems
43. OISD-STD-150 Design as well as Layout of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Mounded Storage Vessels
44. OISD-STD-151 Safety inwards Design, Fabrication as well as Fittings ; Propane Tank Truck
45. OISD-STD-152 Safety instrumentation for procedure scheme inwards hydrocarbon industry
46. OISD-STD-153 Maintenance & inspection of security musical instrument inwards hydrocarbon industry
47. OISD-STD-154 Safety aspects inwards functional training
48. OISD-STD-155 Personnel Protective Equipment Part I Non-respiratory equipment Part II Respiratory Equipment
49. OISD-GDN-156 Fire Protection Facilities for Port Oil Terminals
50. OISD-RP-157 Recommended Practice for Transportation of Bulk Petroleum Products
51. OISD-RP-158 Recommended Practices on Storage as well as Handling of Bulk Liquefied Petroleum Gas
52. OISD-STD-159 LPG Tank Trucks - Requirements of Safety on Design/Fabrication as well as Fittings
53. OISD-STD-160 Protection to fittings mounted on existing LPG tank trucks
54. OISD-STD-161 Rescue & relief operations involving tank truck accidents carrying LPG
55. OISD-STD-162 Safety inwards installations as well as maintenance of LPG Cylinder Manifold
56. OISD-STD-163 Process Control Room Safety
57. OISD-STD-164 Fire Proofing inwards Oil as well as Gas Industry
58. OISD-STD-165 Guidelines for Rescue as well as Relief Operations for POL Tank Truck Accident
59. OISD-GDN-166 Guidelines for Occupational Health Monitoring inwards Oil as well as Gas Industry
60. OISD-STD-167 POL Tanklorry Design & Safety
61. OISD-GDN-168 Preparation of On-site Emergency Plan for the Marketing Locations
62. OISD-GDN-169 OISD Guidelines on Small LPG Bottling Plants (Design as well as Fire Protection facilities)
63. OISD-RP-170 Inspection, Maintenance, Repairs as well as Rehabilitation of foundations as well as structures
64. OISD-STD-171 Preservation of Idle Static as well as Rotary Equipment
65. OISD-RP-173 Fire Protection Systems for Electrical Installations
66. OISD-STD-174 Well Control
67. OISD-STD-175 Cementing Operations
68. OISD-STD-176 Safety Training for Offshore Personnel
69. OISD-STD-177 Inspection as well as Maintenance of Thermal Insulation
70. OISD-GDN-178 Guidelines on Management of Change
71. OISD-STD-179 Safety Requirements for Compression, Storage as well as Refueling Stations for CNG inwards Automotive sector
72. OISD-STD-180 Lightning Protection.
73. OISD-STD-181 Geophysical Operations
74. OISD-STD-182 Recommended Safe Procedures as well as Guidelines for Workover as well as Well Stimulation Operation
75. OISD-STD-183 Logging Operations
76. OISD-GDN-184 Replacement of Personnel Protective Equipment as well as Life Saving appliances
77. OISD-STD-185 Wire work Operations
78. OISD-STD-186 Simultaneous Operations inwards Exploration & Production Industry
79. OISD-STD-187 Care & Use Of Wire Rope
80. OISD-STD-188 Corrosion Monitoring of Offshore & Onshore Pipelines
81. OISD-STD-189 Fire Fighting Equipment for Drilling rigs, Work over Rigs as well as Production Installations.
82. OISD-STD-190 Derrick Floor Operation (Offshore Drilling/ Work over rig)
83. OISD-STD-191 Oil Field Explosives Safety
84. OISD-GDN-192 Safety Practice during Construction
85. OISD-STD-193 Gas Lift Operations as well as Maintenance
86. OISD-STD-194 Storage as well as Handling of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
87. OISD-STD-195 Safety inwards Design, Operation, Inspection as well as Maintenance of Hydrocarbon Gas Compressor Stations as well as Terminals
88. OISD-GDN-196 Guidelines for seeking Environmental Clearance of Development Projects inwards Petroleum Industry
89. OISD-GDN-197 Guidelines on Environmental Impact Assessment
90. OISD-GDN- 199 Guidelines for Environment Audits
91. OISD-GDN-200 Guidelines for Development of Contingency Plan for Oil Spill Response.
92. OISD-GDN-201 Environment Management inwards Exploration & Production Sector
93. OISD-GDN-202 Inspection of Drilling as well as Workover Rig Mast./ Sub-structure.
94. OISD-GDN-203 Operation, Maintenance as well as Inspection of Hoisting Equipment
95. OISD-STD-204 Medical Requirements, Emergency Evacuation as well as Facilities
96. OISD-RP-205 Crane Operation, Maintenance as well as Testing (For upstream)
97. OISD-GDN-206 Guidelines on Safety Management System inwards Petroleum Industry
98. OISD-GDN-207 Contractor Safety
99. OISD-STD-210 Storage, Handling as well as Refueling of Liquefied Petroleum Gas for Automotive Use
100. OISD - GDN-211 Safety inwards Petroleum Laboratories
101. OISD-GDN-212 Guidelines on Environmental Audit (Internal) inwards Downstream Petroleum Sector
102. OISD-STD-214 Cross Country LPG Pipelines
103. OISD-STD-216: Electrical Safety inwards Onshore Drilling as well as Workover Rigs
104. OISD-GDN-217 Formulation of Environment Management Plan for Drilling Operations
105. OISD -GDN -218 Safe Rig-up as well as Rig-down of Drilling as well as Work-over Rigs
106. OISD -GDN -219 Field Inspection, Handling as well as Testing of Casing Pipe as well as Tubing
107. OISD-STD-224 Monitoring & command of VOC Emission as well as LDAR Programme
108. OISD-STD-225 Storage, Handling & Dispensing at Petroleum Retail Outlets
109. OISD-STD-226: Natural Gas Transmission Pipelines as well as City Gas Distribution Networks
110. OISD-GDN-227: Emergency Response Preparedness inwards E&P Industry

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