What training is needed to become a mechanical engineer: Amount Listing Of Faux Courses Beingness Offered Inwards Universities, According To Cue

List of Fake Degree Programs inward Kenya

The Commission of University Education (CUE) has rejected 133 'useless' courses currently existence offered in  to a greater extent than than 10 Kenyan person too populace universities. The courses convey a combined enrollment of 10,000 students, the Commission says. Here is a amount listing of unapproved marker programs inward Kenya, equally at 19th Feb 2019.

Listed below are the Universities too a amount listing of unauthorized courses they are offering:

Tom Mboya University College
Bachelor of Arts (Business Studies amongst IT)
Bachelor of Arts (Sociology too Anthropology, amongst IT)
Bachelor of Arts  (Development studies amongst IT)
Bachelor of Education (French, amongst IT)
Bachelor of Education  (Home science, amongst IT)
Bachelor of Science (Agriculture, Economics, amongst IT)
Bachelor of Science (Health Records too Information)
Bachelor of Science  (Agronomy amongst IT)
Bachelor of Science  (Applied statistics amongst IT)
10.   Bachelor of Science (Biochemistry)
11.   Bachelor of Science (Earth scientific discipline amongst IT)
12.   Bachelor of Science (Environmental scientific discipline amongst IT)
13.   Bachelor of Science (Forensic science)
14.   Bachelor of Science  (Geography too Natural Resource)
15.   Bachelor of Science (Industrial chemical scientific discipline amongst IT)
16.   Bachelor of Science (Mathematical Sciences amongst IT)
17.   Bachelor of Science (Mathematics & Business Studies)
18.   Bachelor of Science (Mathematics & Computer Science)
19.   Bachelor of Science  (Mathematics & Economics, amongst IT)
20.   Bachelor of Science (Medical Laboratory Science)
21.   Bachelor of Science (Nutrition too Dietetics, amongst IT)
22.    Bachelor of Science (Physics amongst IT)

Read Also : BEWARE of FAKE Engineering Courses - amount listing of approved courses

Garissa University

1.       Bachelor of Arts (Geography)
2.       Bachelor of Arts (Political Science too Public)
3.       Bachelor of Arts (Community Development)
4.       Bachelor of Arts (Applied Statistics amongst Computing)
5.       Bachelor of Arts  (Actuarial Science )
6.       Bachelor of Arts (Botany)
7.       Bachelor of Arts (Informatics)
8.       Bachelor of Arts   (Natural Resource Management)
9.       Bachelor of Arts  (Zoology)
10.   Bachelor of Arts (Environmental Studies)
11.   Bachelor of Arts (Commerce)

Jaramogi Oginga Odinga of Science too Technology
1.       Bachelor of Arts (Developmental too policy studies)
2.       Bachelor of Science (Animal Science)
3.       Bachelor of Science  (Soil Science)
4.       Bachelor of Science  (Water Resources too Environment)
5.       Bachelor of Science  (Biological Sciences)
6.       Bachelor of Science  (Business Information Systems)

Kabarak University
1.       Bachelor of Business Management too Information
2.       Bachelor of Science inward Agribusiness

Karatina University
1.       Bachelor of Science inward Counseling Psychology
2.       Bachelor of Arts inward Public Administration too Governance
3.       Bachelor of Science inward Human Nutrition too Dietetics
4.       Bachelor of Science inward Public Health

Kenya Highlands Evangelical University
1.       Bachelor of Arts (Counseling Psychology)
2.       Bachelor of Arts  (Public Administration too Governance)
3.       Bachelor of Business Information Technology
4.       Bachelor of Education (Early childhood)
5.       Bachelor of Library too Information Studies
6.       Bachelor of Procurement too Supply Chain Management
7.       Bachelor of Science (Computer Science)

Read Also: How to purpose KUCCPS Online Application System

Kenya Methodist University
1.       Bachelor of Arts inward Counseling Psychology
2.       Bachelor of Science inward Clinical Medicine

Kenyatta University
1.       Bachelor of Human Resource Management

Kenyatta University (Mama Ngina)
1.       Bachelor of Science (Computer Science)
2.       Bachelor of Science   (Environmental Health)
3.       Bachelor of Science   (Hospitality too Tourism Management)

Kibabii University
1.       Diploma inward Business Management

Kisii University
1.       Bachelor of Arts (Applied Linguistics)
2.       Bachelor of Arts    (Peace Education)
3.       Bachelor of Arts      (Translation too Interpretation)
4.       Bachelor of Business too Management
5.       Bachelor of Science

Laikipia University
1.       Bachelor of Science

Masinde Muliro University of Science too Technology
2.       Bachelor of Science (Applies Statistics, amongst IT)

Moi University
1.       Bachelor of Science (Medical Laboratory Science)

South Eastern Republic of Kenya University
1.       Bachelor of Science

Technical University of Mombasa
1.       Bachelor of Pharmacy
2.       Bachelor of Science inward Biochemistry

Turkana University College
1.       Bachelor of Arts inward Peace Studies too Conflict Resolution
2.       Bachelor of Business Management
3.       Bachelor of Development Studies
4.       Bachelor of Science (Renewable Energy)
5.       Bachelor of Science inward Natural Resource Management

University of Eldoret
1.       B Bachelor of Commerce ( BCOM )
2.       Bachelor of Environmental Planning too Management

University of Embu
1.       Bachelor of Law (LLB)
2.       Bachelor of Science (Agriculture Biotechnology)
3.       Bachelor of Science  (Agriculture Economics)
4.       Bachelor of Science  (Animal Production too Health)
5.       Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science)
6.       Bachelor of Science (Wildlife Management)

University of Kabianga
1.       Bachelor of Arts (Peace Education)

SEE ALSO: Five Kenyan universities ranked amid the best inward the world

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