What training is needed to become a mechanical engineer: Model Of The Week: Winfred Achieng Okal

To commencement us off, our Model of the Week this calendar week (01/03) is none other than 21 years quondam Winfred Achieng Okal. We had a chat amongst her together with this is what she is upward to!

Winfred Achieng Shots.

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@TCL_Mag: Who is Winnie Okal?
Winnie: My bring upward is Winfred Achieng Okal from Kisumu County. I am 21 years quondam a educatee together with a model. As a educatee I cleared cast iv inwards 2012 at Kedowa Girls Secondary School together with got a hateful flat of B minus.
@TCL_Mag: Where produce y'all currently study?
Winnie: Currently, I am planning to bring together Republic of Kenya Institute of Management to pursue Diploma inwards Human Resource Management.
@TCL_Mag: Tell us virtually your Modeling Career
Winnie: As a model, I convey featured inwards many high fashion shows together with around beauty pageants. I convey worked amongst Delan Modeling Agency together with nosotros convey had a lay out of events. Currently I am working amongst Elegant Modeling Agency together with through this I convey involved myself inwards numerous activities including a view to Maisha Orphanage where nosotros made luncheon together with shared amongst the orphans together with the widows there.
@TCL_Mag: What are your hobbies?
Winnie: I dear travelling, swimming, socializing, reading inspiration quotes together with doing community plant amid others.
@TCL_Mag: What’s your Fashion statement?
Winnie: I ever dear fashion because it defines me equally a person. Everything I select to article of apparel or lay on gives me a trend that is unique. I dear high fashion modeling together with that has made me participate inwards major fashion events including Kisumu Week together with Delan Modeling Agency Fashion Show.
@TCL_Mag: Do y'all intend y'all tin hold upward a boss lady?
Winnie: I ever sentiment myself equally a boss lady because am a popular off getter. Whatever I want, I ever lay a lot of endeavour to larn it. I believe amongst my spirit I tin encourage other people to convey self-belief.
@TCL_Mag: Who is your Fashion Role model?
Winnie: My brain fashion utilisation model is Naomy Campbell. I ever dear her natural modeling mightiness together with her spirit of trying diverse things apart from modeling such equally singing, acting together with venturing inwards diversity of businesses.
@TCL_Mag: What would y'all produce equally The Campus Lady Magazine Ambassador?

Winnie: If I larn The Campus Lady Ambassador I Will engage inwards a diversity of events, activities together with offering a vocalisation to of import discussions. I'll equally good encourage others to participate inwards diverse community activities inwards i agency or the other. I'll organize events that would permit the campus community to come upward together inwards diverse ways.

Sumber https://chuonikenya.blogspot.com/

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