What training is needed to become a mechanical engineer: The Curse Of The Kickoff Shape Honours From Kenyan Universities


Getting a First Class Honours at the academy is never a cake walk. In fact, 1 tin sack count inwards 1 mitt the break of students who deal this feat. But could the elusive First Class endure a ‘curse’ inwards securing a chore out there.
Take Onyango Olondo’s representative for instance. 

Olondo who studied International Relations at Masinde Muliro University of Science too Technology late took to social media to limited his frustrations subsequently he allegedly lost a chore for beingness likewise smart. 

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In his post titled, The Curse of High Grades, Olondo lamented how his interview went due south subsequently he failed to enshroud his word to the panel. The graduate of a reputable international institution, alongside sudden written too oral exam skills missed his dream chore because of his ‘spotless record’.
But Olondo is non alone. Moses, an administrative assistant at a local manufacturing fellowship told Campus Vibe that his First Class Honours inwards Economics too Sociology from Egerton University has been his undoing. 

“I’ve been an administrative assistant for 4 years. I can’t motion forwards because I sometimes experience my bosses encounter me every bit competition,” he said. 

According to Dr Duncan Omanga who heads the Department of Publishing too Media Studies at Moi University, the ‘curse’ of the First Class is the perception that such holders volition non stick for long.
 “I estimate it has to produce alongside pride,” explains Dr Omanga, adding that, “Most First Class students I know had ego problems.” Omanga notwithstanding disabuses the notion that First Class students are meant for academics. 

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On his part, Perminus Wainaina, CEO of Corporate Staffing, says that students require to endure all-rounded, adding that personality should accompany qualification. “I retrieve bosses volition prefer personality to books. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 confident Second Lower volition e'er endure picked earlier a shy First Class,”  says Wainaina. 

England’s Daily Mail reported inwards 2013 that: “Those that accept fallen curt of academic brilliance are oft amend employees because they are to a greater extent than rounded individuals who operate good inwards a team.”
According to the publication, pedagogy too work experts broadly agreed that all-rounders made the best workers too human resources managers “would rather accept immature people to a greater extent than or less who developed other interests at academy too didn’t simply focus alone on getting that first.”  

Credit: SDE

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